iRobot Roomba Combo i5+ Self-Emptying Robot Vacuum & Mop
Release DateSeptember 3, 2023
Robot Dimensions13.5″ x 13.4″ x 3.6″
Base Dimensions15.8″ x 13.3″ x 12.2″
Robot Weight7 lbs
Base Weight9.66 lbs
Battery Life3 hours
Control MethodsAmazon Alexa, Google Assistant, Siri, app

Without self-emptying

iRobot Roomba Combo i5 (also available on Amazon)

Package contents

  • Interchangeable Roomba Combo bin
  • Clean Base Automatic Dirt Disposal
  • Line cord
  • Robot cleaner
  • Dirt disposal bags (2)
  • Microfiber mopping pad
  • Extra high- efficiency filter

iRobot Roomba Combo i5+ Self-Emptying Robot Vacuum & Mop

The Roomba Combo i5+ is a robot vacuum-mop hybrid that self-empties its dirt. It can clean both floors and carpets. From wall to wall, the i5+ cleans in neat rows.

The Clean Base Automatic Dirt Disposal base can hold dirt for up to 60 days. When the battery is low, the i5+ redocks to recharge and then resume. If needed, you can set a Child & Pet Lock to avoid unwanted activation.

Multiphase cleaning

The four phases of the i5+’s cleaning are:

  1. Dual multi-surface rubber brushes
  2. Edge-sweeping brush
  3. Power-lifting suction
  4. Back & forth pressure mopping

Mopping details

The mopping of the i5+ is sufficient for light stains and shining your floors. The microfiber pad takes care of dust, dirt, footprints, and more.

Dirt recognition

The i5+ features Direct Detect, which learns from past cleaning sessions to prioritize dirtier rooms and adjust settings like scrubbing & suction.

Mapping feature

The i5+ creates an Imprint Smart Map of your residence, but keep in mind that this is only one map, meaning the i5+ may only map one floor of your home if you have a multistory home, for instance. Otherwise, it may take your i5+ a couple of runs to map your home effectively.

Smart control

You can use the iRobot Home app for features like scheduling. You can tell the i5+ where to clean and where not to mop. The app can also give you seasonal suggestions to optimize cleaning per season.

About voice control, Siri, Google Assistant, and Amazon Alexa are all compatible. To the third, you can say things like, “Alexa, tell Roomba Combo to vacuum and mop in front of the counter.”


The Roomba Combo i5+ is one of the simpler Roomba Combos out there if you have simpler needs.

  • Self-emptying
  • Vacuum-mop combo
  • Redock, recharge, resume
  • Smart control
  • Safety lock
  • Light mopping
  • Only one map



Useful links


Amazon (Combo i5+)

Amazon (Combo i5)