Release DateMarch 10, 2022
Package Dimensions25.28″ x 20.98″ x 19.13″
Item Weight49.7 lbs
Suction Power5,000 Pa
Dust Bag Volume3 L
Dustbin Volume400 ml
Water Tank Volume4 L
Water Reservoir Volume80 ml
Runtime260 minutes
Control MethodsAmazon Alexa, Google Assistant, YIKO, app

Other editions

DEEBOT X1 PLUS (available on Amazon)

DEEBOT X1 TURBO (available on Amazon)

What you get

  • Robot
  • Station
  • Sets of spinning mop pads (2)
  • Sets of side brushes (2)
  • Auto-seal dust bags (2)
  • Cleaning brush
  • Multi-function cleaning tool
  • User manual


Designed by the award-winning industrial designer, Jacob Jensen, this ECOVACS innovation automatically washes its pads after mopping. Furthermore, it self-empties within 10 seconds. That is after the large and disposable dust bag holds two months of dirt and debris. Suction goes up to a whopping 21 kPa!

Mopping specialist

To get ready for the next mopping session, the X1 automatically refills with water after it cleans itself. After cleaning, there is a heating device to quickly dry the clean mopping pads in two hours. That is to avoid odor and bacteria.

With its 80 ml electronically-controlled reservoir, this robot vacuum-mop combo can keep its two mop pads evenly moist all the time. A full tank of four liters of water can mop a maximum of 3,875 ft²!

Using the okay app, you can choose from the following mopping intervals:

  • 10 minutes
  • 15 minutes
  • 25 minutes

How does it clean?

You see, the deep cleaning takes place in four stages, and the X1 comes equipped with the following:

  • Dual side brushes
  • Floating main brush
  • OZMO Turbo 2.0 rotating mopping system

The four stages are:

  • Suction
  • Rotating mopping
  • Rolling
  • Sweeping

That way, the X1 provides integrated sweeping, suction, and strong mopping. With its triple filtration system, the X1 can block 99% of micro-dust as little as 0.3-0.5 μm, keeping your home’s air clean and fresh.

By the way, there is a silent mode.

OMNI base

The OMNI base has a child lock to avoid children as well as pets tampering with it.

More about the OZMO Turbo 2.0 rotating mopping system

It rotates up to 180 times a minute, and there are 6 Newtons of pressure, providing more efficient and effective scrubbing of hard stains and dirt off your floor. Note that the X1 can work on both hard floors and carpets.

Carpets are avoided when mopping, but suction is boosted when vacuuming carpets. You likely have to remove the mops if you want the X1 to vacuum your carpets…

AIVI 3D functionality

AI computing power in addition to a 960P astrophotography-grade RGB camera with autopilot tech mean that obstacle avoidance is enhanced even when it is dark, and this includes avoiding obstacles above two inches in height as well as people walking around. However, when tested, the X1 may try to absorb unwanted items, and it may struggle surpassing thresholds, such as when transitioning between surface types…

You can perform live monitoring with two-way audio. More specifically, the new starlight front-facing camera on the X1 lets you see your residence in real time, even when it is dark, and two-way audio communication is allowed here.

TrueMapping 2.0 technology

This technology scans one’s home environment with more coverage and precision. That is to generate a map of your residence fast to plan the most efficient cleaning routes. So, this means less repeated and missed spots.

At your disposal is customized cleaning with 3D maps, so you can schedule and customize cleaning by area or room.

All-new YIKO voice assistant

You can guide the DEEBOT with this AI voice control tech, effectively making the X1 the first DEEBOT to have a voice assistant and sound source localization technology. Simply activate the X1 with, “OK YIKO.” Just make sure your pronunciation is crisp…


The ECOVACS DEEBOT X1 OMNI is a powerhouse of a self-emptying robot vacuum-mop with some flaws…

  • Phenomenal suction
  • Solid mopping
  • Superior mapping
  • Voice assistance
  • Securi-cam
  • Obstacle avoidance
  • Threshold surpassing
  • Tiny dustbin
  • App hit-or-miss



Useful links


Amazon (X1 OMNI)

Amazon (X1 PLUS)

Amazon (X1 TURBO)