iRobot® Roomba® s9+ Self-Emptying Robot Vacuum (9550)
Approximate Release DateDecember 21, 2020
Dimensions12.25″ x 3.5″
Weight8.15 lbs
Runtime2 hours
Noise Level75+ dB
Battery Typelithium ion

Other edition

Roomba s9

What is in the box?

  • Robot vacuum
  • Clean Base® automatic dirt disposal
  • Dirt-disposal bags (2)
  • North American line cord
  • Extra high-efficiency filter
  • Extra corner brush

iRobot® Roomba® s9+ Self-Emptying Robot Vacuum (9550)

The star feature of this robot vacuum is perhaps the Clean Base® automatic dirt disposal, which allows the s9+ to empty itself for up to two months. It sports a 3-stage cleaning system which lifts, loosens, and eliminates pet hair and debris from carpets. Power-boost technology allows the s9+ to automatically increase suction whenever needed.

Also featured is PerfectEdge® technology, which utilizes advanced sensors, and there is a special corner-brush to clean along edges. The corner performance is good, but not flawless. The dual rubber-brushes do not get tangled with pet hair. The brushes are closer to the front than most other robot vacuums, providing unique utility. Needless to say, this is not a “me too” product.

The D-shape allows the s9+ to maneuver itself to clean the trickiest spots. The s9+ works fantastically on hardwood. It works well on carpets as well.

The high-efficiency filter captures 99% of dog and cat dander allergens.

A slew of smart features

vSLAM® navigation allows the s9+ to learn the layout of your home to clean it in neat and efficient rows. This sophisticated navigation system captures over 230,400 data points a second. It may take the s9+ a few cycles to learn its way around, though. That said, the s9+ rarely gets stuck (if ever).

If the s9+ is low on battery, it charges itself and then continues its journey. On the lowest setting, expect the s9+ to operate for two hours. As for the highest setting, expect 45 minutes.

Even the highest setting does not make the s9+ too loud. It is quite moderate-sounding.

Note that setting up the s9+ may take much longer than other robot vacuums. Make sure you have at least 30 minutes on hand, mainly because of the app updates needed.

A new app, voice control, and more

The redesigned iRobot Home app provides customizable routines and customizable maps. You also get personalized cleaning suggestions. There is a reason why this app is arguably the best of its kind.

If you area’s pollen count is unusually high or it is pet-shedding season, an extra cleaning is suggested.

You can easily set up and use Amazon Alexa to control the s9+. You can say something like, “Alexa, tell Roomba to clean under the kitchen table.”

Imprint® smart mapping technology makes the s9+ distinguish between your living room and kitchen, so you can decide where it cleans as well as when. You can also designate no-go zones.


What is the benefit of Clean Base™ automatic dirt disposal?

It eliminates the dust and dirt that often accompany emptying vacuum bins. Up to 30 bins are automatically emptied into the clean base that also serves as the charging dock of the s9+.

What about Imprint™?

The smart mapping feature enables the s9+ to determine the best way to clean based on the layout of each room, furniture placement, and so on. After you label your rooms, the smart map allows you to direct the s9+ to clean a specific room or multiple rooms using the app.

As for the link technology, the Roomba® s9+ robot vacuum can team up with the Braava jet® m6 robot mop to vacuum and then mop in perfect sequence.


Those with a hefty budget will likely be pleased with the high performance of the s9+.

  • Automatic dirt disposal
  • Efficient D-shape
  • Rarely gets stuck
  • Moderate noise level
  • Fantastic app
  • Easy Alexa setup
  • Corner cleaning can be better
  • Needs time for mapping
  • Setup is time consuming




Amazon (with base)

Amazon (without base)