iRobot Roomba j7+ (7550)
Release DateSeptember 9, 2021
Dimensions13.3″ x 3.4″
Weight7.49 lbs
Battery Typelithium ion
Control MethodsAmazon Alexa, Google Home, iRobot Home app

Without base

iRobot Roomba j7 (also available on Amazon)

What is in the box?

  • Roomba j7+
  • Clean Base automatic dirt-disposal
  • Dirt disposal bags (2)
  • Line cord
  • Extra high-efficiency filter
  • Extra corner brush

iRobot Roomba j7+ (7550)

The Roomba j7+ is the first iRobot to use PrecisionVision navigation. It identifies objects and avoids obstacles, such as pet waste and charging cards. Of course, it is not the first robot to do so, but PrecisionVision is a specifically branded variation.

iRobot actually calls its bot’s avoidance of poop as POOP (Pet Owner Official Promise)! At least at the time of this review, iRobot promises a free replacement within one year of purchasing if your j7+ does not avoid poop.

Now, PrecisionVision and POOP are not simply gimmicks. This bot is actually exceptional at obstacle avoidance. It also suggests areas to be avoided. So, one point goes to the j7+ for that aspect.

iRobot is such a veteran in the game that, at this point, we expect obstacle avoidance that is nothing short of excellent, and iRobot delivers in that sense.

Cleaning methodology

Moving on to the star feature of the j7+: it has the Clean Base automatic dirt-disposal, which allows the j7+ to empty itself for up to 60 days.

This is not a “me too” product, and we have seen large bases time and time again, but iRobot took the time to redesign your run-of-the-mill large base and made it less “in the way”. We just wish that they got rid of the noise problem when the base goes to work…

As for how it cleans, the j7+ pulls in debris with a three-stage cleaning system that features multi-surface dual rubber brushes and avoids pet-hair entanglement. There is an edge-sweeping brush too.

Movement behavior

Regarding navigation, the j7+ moves in neat and efficient rows through zigzag movement. You can easily designate Keep Out Zones if you want the j7+ to avoid certain places.

If the battery is low, it utilizes the patented Smart Recharge and Resume functionality. What makes it different? The j7+ only charges for as long as it needs to finish the cleaning job at hand.

Honestly, we have not heard of this before, so good job by iRobot!

Smart control

You can control the j7+ in different ways, such as voice control by saying, “Roomba, clean under the kitchen table.” You can use your imagination from thereon after…

To use that functionality, you need Amazon Alexa or Google Home. There is an app at your disposal as well. Needless to say, the iRobot Home app is state-of-the-art.

You can schedule the j7+ to clean when you want, but the bot itself will suggest an extra cleaning if it is pet-shedding season or your area’s pollen count is high.

If you are not convinced yet…

The j7+ packs more interesting features:

  • You can use geolocation services on your phone for the bot to clean while you are out.
  • Reactive Sensor Technology tells the j7+ where it cannot pass.
  • Dirt Detect intensifies cleaning in the dirtier spots of your home.

Is this the perfect robot vacuum?

It is about as close to perfect as you can find on the market. The base can still get noisy, even the vacuuming can get loud, and picking up pet hair from carpets is not the best, but it still gets the job done. Plus, pet hair is not the only thing you want picked up, and carpets are not the only surface.

One more thing

Because of Imprint Link Technology, for a comprehensive cleaning, you can have your j7+ team up with the Braava jet m6 robot mop, which is available on Amazon.


The Roomba j7+ delivers the quality we expect from iRobot at this point. Not perfect, but still fantastic!

  • Dustbin makeover
  • Zigzag movement
  • Exceptional obstacle avoidance
  • Smart Recharge and Resume
  • Keep Out Zones
  • Not excellent on carpets
  • Loud dustbin
  • Vacuuming can get loud



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