iRobot Roomba Combo j9+ Self-Emptying & Auto-Fill Robot Vacuum & Mop
Release DateSeptember 12, 2023
Robot Dimensions13.7″ x 13.7″ x 3.4″
Base Dimensions16.4″ x 16.3 ” 15.8″
Robot Weight37.5 lbs
Base Weight21.91 lbs
Battery Life3 hours
Control MethodsAmazon Alexa, Google Assistant, Siri, app

Without mopping

iRobot Roomba j9+ (also available on Amazon)

In the package

  • Interchangeable Roomba Combo bin
  • Clean Base
  • Line cord
  • Robot cleaner
  • Extra dirt disposal bag 
  • Extra edge-sweeping brush
  • Extra high- efficiency filter
  • Microfiber mopping pad

iRobot Roomba Combo j9+ Self-Emptying & Auto-Fill Robot Vacuum & Mop

The Roomba Combo j9+ is a robot vacuum and mop that self-empties its dirt. It has three suction power levels and boosts suction automatically when carpets are encountered. Otherwise, hard floors can be cleaned too.

Multistage cleaning

The four stages of the j9+’s cleaning are:

  1. Dual multi-surface rubber brushes
  2. Edge-sweeping brush
  3. Power-lifting suction
  4. Back & forth pressure mopping

Special base

The Clean Base Auto-Fill Dock can hold dirt for up to two months. It also refills the bot with water or cleaning solution for a month.

Dirt detection

The j9+ features a Dirt Detective, which learns from past cleaning sessions to prioritize dirtier rooms and adjust settings such as scrubbing & suction.

Mopping system

The Auto-Retract Mopping System lets the j9+ retract its mop when carpets are encountered, and your carpets stay dry through DRI (Dry Rug Intelligence). Without needing any interference from you, the j9+ can go from vacuuming a carpet to vacuuming & mopping floors.

Mopping characteristics

With consistent pressure and double the scrubbing, you can enable SmartScrub on your j9+ so it scrubs back and forth. It can clean from stains on your bathroom’s tiles to spills under the kitchen counter.

Spatial awareness

The j9+ knows that to clean and what to avoid, thanks to PrecisionVision navigation. Furthermore, the j9+ features POOP (Pet Owner Official Promise), which steers it clear of pet feces. The j9+ cleans in neat rows from wall to wall.

Mapping feature

The j9+ creates a map of your home faster than before. In the best case scenario, it can map your home in roughly one hour.

Smart control

You can use the iRobot Home app do to things from scheduling a cleaning to setting keep-out zones where you would not like the j9+ to go, for example, because of fragile decor. Otherwise, Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Siri are all compatible for voice control. You can say something like, “Tell Roomba Combo to clean the kitchen.”


iRobot presents us with yet another great robot vacuum-mop that self-empties.

  • Self-emptying
  • Self-refilling
  • Vacuum-mop combo
  • Above-average mopping
  • Mop lifting
  • No-mop option
  • Carpet boost
  • Excellent mapping
  • Control options



Useful links


Amazon (j9+ Combo)

Amazon (j9+)