Greenworks Robot Vacuum GRV-3011
Approximate Release2022
Package Dimensions17.5″ x 16.3″ x 14.6″
Weight21.2 lbs
Suction Power2,000 Pa
Dust Bag Volume4 L
Dustbin Volume500 ml
Runtime1+ hour
Control MethodsAmazon Alexa, Google Assistant, app


  • GRV-3011 robot vacuum
  • Self-emptying base
  • Adapter
  • Filters (2)
  • Brushes (2)
  • Screwdriver
  • Instructions manual

Greenworks Robot Vacuum GRV-3011

Greenworks bestows the self-emptying gi8 robot vacuum upon you, which can clean the hair, dust, dirt, and more off your floors and carpets. Snap on the side brush, remove the tape, and you are good to go.

The GRV-3011 has LDS smart laser navigation as well as vSLAM technology. SLAM stands for simultaneous localization and mapping. So, the GRV-3011 accurately maps your home in order to avoid obstacles as well as clean efficiently. It is thinner than average and goes under furniture with ease without getting stuck there, but it may get lost on the way back to its base.


When it comes to the self-emptying, the GRV-3011 charges in its base, and that is when it empties its dustbin without the need for your interference for 45 to 60 days. Something strange, however, is that the GRV-3011 has to back into its base to charge, so that may take it a longer time than other robot vacuums that can simply connect to a base through their front.

Suction modes

The suction modes are:

  • Quiet: 600 Pascals
  • Auto: 1,000 Pascals
  • Strong: 1,500 Pascals
  • Max: 2,000 Pascals

Spatial awareness

With a multi-floor map, the GRV-3011 moves in a zigzag pattern, and 0.8″ thresholds can be overcome. Thanks to the wall sensor, two anti-drop sensors, and a front bumper, preventative technology indeed exists in this robot vacuum. Whenever carpets are encountered, suction is boosted automatically.

Smart control

Using the smart app, you can:

  • Schedule a cleaning session.
  • Choose certain rooms to clean.
  • Choose specific areas to be cleaned.
  • Specify which zones are to be cleaned.
  • Set a virtual wall.
  • Customize cleaning modes.

You can also make use of Amazon Alexa/Echo and Google Assistant/Home in the form of voice control. As for the onboard buttons, they are power and home (to go back to the base).


Reminiscent of the Neabot N2, this self-emptying bad boy moves around like a boss, picking up lots of dirt.

  • Easy setup
  • Good suction
  • Terrain navigation
  • Thinner than average
  • Room selection
  • May get lost
  • Backs into the base



