Shark IQ Robot Vacuum AV970
Dimensions12.91″ x 12.6″ x 3.55″
Weight6.22 lbs
Runtime1.5 hours
Battery Typelithium ion
Control MethodsAmazon Alexa, Google Assistant, SharkClean app

Included components

  • Robot vacuum
  • Filter
  • Side brushes (2)
  • BotBoundary strip
  • Charging dock

Star features

  • XL dustbin
  • Self-cleaning brush roll
  • Advanced navigation

Shark IQ Robot Vacuum AV970

This robot vacuum’s suction can tackle small debris and some large debris as well as pet hair on floors and carpets, although it is better on floors than carpets, and you would likely have to vacuum carpets yourself. Furthermore, we advise that you declutter your space as much as possible before deploying the AV970 to give it the easiest time possible.

Thanks to the self-cleaning brush roll, it removes pet hair and long hair as it cleans, so no more hair wrapping. The dual spinning side-brushes pull in debris that is in corners and edges, but they may wear out quickly. Something impressive about the AV970, however, is how silent it is even if in turbo mode.

As for the way the AV970 cleans, instead of randomly bouncing, it goes methodically row by row and then goes from room to room to cover your entire home. If it is about to run out of battery, it docks itself to recharge and then resumes from where it left off. It should cover about 700 square feet and still have about half the battery life left.

Perhaps the essence of the AV970 among competitors is its huge dustbin as well as its high-efficiency filter that catches dust, dander, and pet allergens.

By the way you, can schedule cleanings using the app or even dispatch voice commands with the likes of Alexa and Assistant.

Disclaimer before you go

While the following was not necessarily our experience, there has been at least one report of the AV970 triggering cleanings on its own throughout the day, so take heed. It may have just been a defective unit.


While the AV970 is not the best innovation by Shark, it may be worth a buy if on discount at a mall.

  • XL dustbin
  • Self-cleaning brush roll
  • Super silent
  • Carpet struggles
  • Large-debris struggles
  • Side-brush durability



