Shark AI Ultra 2in1 Robot Vacuum & Mop with Sonic Mopping
Release Date2022
Dimensions21.4″ x 5.69″ x 14.96″
Weight22.6 lbs
Charging Time3 hours
Control MethodsAmazon Alexa & SharkClean app

Without self-emptying

Shark IV RV2620WD

What is included

  • Shark AI AV2610WA robot
  • XL HEPA self-empty base
  • Filter
  • Side brush
  • Microfiber mopping pads (2)

Shark AI Ultra 2in1 Robot Vacuum & Mop with Sonic Mopping

This is a self-emptying robot vacuum-mop by Shark. It vacuums carpets and floors to then empty its own dustbin. It can sonic-mop hard floors after you put some of the highly fragrant solution onto the mop device and replace it with the vacuum section. The AV2610WA can work on tiles too.


The self-emptying base holds up to two months of debris and dirt. The HEPA filter catches and traps 99.97% of allergens and dust down to 0.3 microns. The filter is made of washable fabric. In any case, the filter is replaceable.

The AV2610WA seems to redock quite often to empty itself and then continue its journey. It is a blessing in disguise. The bot can also recharge on its own if needed, and that is if you enable the feature.


With three levels of suction and a self-cleaning brush roll, pet hair is picked up more easily. Flexible silicone fins dig deeper into carpets while remaining tangle-free.

Edge cleaning

CleanEdge Technology utilizes corner recognition and blasts of air to remove debris from corners and edges, boosting performance in those areas by 50% via reaching places that would have otherwise not been possible to reach.

Sonic mopping

As for the sonic mopping, it scrubs hard floors 100 times per minute in a circular motion. Light stains are easy for this robot mop, but harder stains can only be softened for you to then mop them manually. Carpets can be avoided.

You can even trigger the Ultra Mop using the SharkClean app to enhance stain cleaning by 50% in specific areas. Note that the app may not work well on phones by lesser known brands. Even on a mainstream phone, the app may be hard to use, but with patience, you should be able to make the app do what you have in mind, such as scheduling the days and times during which you want the bot cleaning your home.

Back to the mopping itself, this feature is not self-emptying, and the AV2610WA seems more prone to getting stuck in this mode.

Matrix cleaning navigation

Thanks to matrix cleaning navigation and multiple passes, the AV2610WA can clean from multiple angles in a grid that is matrix-like so that no spots are missed on any floors or carpets. That should also ensure 30% better carpet cleaning. Also, Matrix Clean Navigation lets the AV2610WA automatically map and adapt to your home, avoiding objects and all. The bot can go under furniture to clean there too.

The AV2610WA is particularly good at redirecting itself upon encountering an obstacles. Also, instead of getting stuck on cords like many other robot cleaners, it simply pushes them away, which is impressive.


Although not flawless, this self-emptying hybrid is a formidable entry in its category of robot cleaners.

  • Self-emptying
  • Pet-hair specialist
  • Carpet-avoidant mopping
  • Resistant to getting stuck
  • Decent mapping
  • Recharges & resumes
  • May get stuck while mopping
  • Complicated app




Amazon (AV2610WA)

Amazon (RV2620WD)