Roborock Q Revo Robot Vacuum and Mop
Release Year2023
Robot Dimensions13.9″ x 13.8″ x 3.8″
Dock Dimensions19.2″ x 13.4″ x 22.1″
Box Weight33 lbs
Robot Weight10 lbs
Suction Power5,500 Pa
Dust Bag Volume2.7 L
Water Tank Volume5 L
Battery Life3 hours
Battery Power5,200 mAh
Control MethodsAmazon Alexa, Google Assistant, Siri Shortcuts, app

White edition


Included items

  • Robot cleaner
  • Multipurpose dock
  • Power cable
  • Mop cloths (2)
  • User manual

Roborock Q Revo Robot Vacuum and Mop

The Roborock Q Revo is a feature-packed robot vacuum and mop. There is auto mop washing after which hot air drying takes place in order to avoid the buildup of bad smells. The water tank of the Q Revo fills up automatically in order to mop around a maximum of 4,300 square feet. Furthermore, there is self-emptying, so for up to seven weeks, the Q Revo self-empties its dirt until your involvement is finally needed. The dock is detachable.

Mopping characteristics

With dual spinning mops and a spinning speed of 200 RPM with constant downward pressure, the Q Revo strives to clean more stains than usual. In fact, there are 30 water flow levels at your disposal! You can choose the right flow level depending on the floor type and so on.

Suction profile

When carpets are encountered, the mop is lifted 7 mm automatically because mopping a carpet is not a good idea, but vacuuming it is good. In fact, the suction of the Q Revo can tackle from dust to dirt on surfaces from hardwood to tiles. The all-rubber brush floats on a multi-directional frame to clean well and avoid pet hair entanglement.

Spatial awareness

The Q Revo comes with reactive tech obstacle avoidance, so potential dangers can be avoided, which is a process supplemented by PreciSense LiDAR navigation. LiDAR is known for superior mapping as well as navigation in the dark. You see, 3D mapping tech helps create precise maps, and you can even add furniture & so on to your virtual home for a custom cleaning experience.

Smart control

You can control your Q Revo smartly, thanks to the Roborock app. You can control things along the lines of:

  • Mop washing and drying mode
  • Auto emptying mode
  • Suction adjustment
  • Water flow adjustment
  • Scheduled cleaning

And the list goes on…

If spots are detected that seem easy for the Q Revo to get stuck in, you receive smart suggestions to set no-go zones. Also, with your voice, you can control the Q Revo by way of Alexa, Assistant, or Siri.


With the Q Revo being what it is, it is clear that Roborock never ceases to innovate.

  • Vacuum-mop combo
  • Self-emptying
  • Auto mop lifting
  • Powerful suction
  • LiDAR navigation
  • Tile compatibility
  • App alerts
  • Scheduling feature



Useful links


Amazon (black)

Amazon (white)