OKP Life K4
Release DateJuly 14, 2021
Dimensions11.02″ x 11.02″ x 3.14″
Weight7.43 lbs
Suction Power2,200 Pa
Dustbin Volume550-600 ml
Runtime2.5 hours
Battery Type2,600 mAh lithium ion
Control MethodsAmazon Alexa, Google Assistant, app

OKP Life K4

The OKP K4 takes pride in its slim figure that can go under furniture. You can control it with the app, Alexa, or Assistant, with the last two being for voice commands. Though, the app is of limited utility, and the Alexa interface is quite difficult to navigate.

More about the app: it can display the cleaning path, which is described as a bow-shaped path.

In one go, the K4 can cover 2,200 square feet of real estate. It charges itself whenever it needs to, which is under 20% battery left. However, the K4 may struggle to make it back to the base, so take heed.

Otherwise, expect the K4 to pick up particles, dust, and hair around your home, but it may get stuck if it finds a certain obstacle challenging. The least it may do is push furniture around violently.

The K4 uses a suction vent instead of a traditional middle brush that is prone to entanglement. There is a two-layer HEPA filter to filter out impurities.


After giving the OKP Life K4 many chances to impress, it seems OKP products have seen better days…

  • Viable vacuuming
  • Tangle-free
  • Not gentle
  • Can get stuck
  • Redocking struggles
  • App/Alexa struggles



