Bob PetHair
Approximate Release DateJuly 19, 2014
Dimensions13.8″ x 13.8″ x 4.2″
Weight7.7 lbs
Dustbin Volume1 liter
Runtime60 minutes
Charging Time4 hours
Battery Typelithium ion
Cleaning Modesultraviolet, auto, spot, wall, docked

Other editions

Bob PetHair Appetite (available on Amazon)

Bob PetHair Plus (available on Amazon)

Bob PetHair SLAM (available on Amazon)

Bob PetHair Vision (available on Amazon)

Bob Pro (available on Amazon in gold and steel colors)

Inside the box

  • Remote control
  • Charging station
  • Charging adapter
  • Main brushes (2)
  • Side brushes (2)
  • Filters (2)
  • Mop attachment
  • Flathead screwdriver
  • Cleaning tool
  • Pack of screws
  • Bumper stickers
  • Owner’s manual
  • Quick-start guide


  • TurboLift™ vacuum
  • Auto-recharge
  • Scheduling
  • Obstacle and stair detection
  • LCD screen
  • Ultraviolet light
  • Checkup system

Bob PetHair

The Bob PetHair can be considered an upgrade from the Bob Standard​. It packs a long main brush, large dustbin, and large LCD screen. The brush effectively reels in hair in one sweep. As for the dustbin, it can accumulate a lot of fur.

The LCD screen shows cleaning modes and alerts. While it is cool, it seems more like a showoff than a useful feature. That is because it presents too much information, but the more, the merrier…

While there are no wifi or app functionalities, you can use the remote to:

  • Turn on ultraviolet mode.
  • Clean corners.
  • Start an automatic cleaning cycle.
  • Tell the robot vacuum to spot clean.
  • Charge the robot vacuum.
  • Adjust the speed.
  • Pause an operation.

You can even drive the robot vacuum with the remote control. If there are no obstacles between you and the robot vacuum, you should be able to use the remote less than a dozen feet away. Speaking of which, the robot vacuum uses infrared to navigate obstacles with a bump-and-continue style, so it adjusts its direction as it goes.

Infrared is not to be confused with ultraviolet, which is used to eliminate bacteria in the vicinity. This feature-heavy robot vacuum can get quite noisy, but it is not the noisiest robot vacuum.

Moving on, the robot vacuum is low enough to go under most but not all furniture, so it may get stuck.

Here are the three primary cleaning modes:

  • Spiral: this is good for spot cleaning.
  • Straight: the robot vacuum goes in straight lines, producing pleasant-looking streaks on carpets.
  • Wall: the robot vacuum simply follows the edges of a room for those tough spots.

The robot vacuum will actually intensify its operation when it senses that an area is overly dirty. Admittedly, this robot vacuum is not the best at cleaning corners.

As for the durations, you can go for (1) autopilot, (2) quick, and (3) touchup modes. The first mode is the default, and the second and third last for 30 minutes and 15 minutes respectively. In any case, the huge dustbin outlasts most other robot vacuums.

Note that you can also use the subtle mopping feature of this robot vacuum.


The Bob PetHair works best for hardwood and is great for low-pile carpets and high-pile carpets (in that order). It is good beyond pet hair, but not for sugar, which was not effectively absorbed during testing.

  • Large dustbin
  • Anti-bacterial UV light
  • Useful remote
  • Added mop
  • Shorter runtime
  • LCD too cluttered
  • Can get noisy
  • Can get stuck
  • Not great at cleaning corners
  • No app
  • Poor at sugar vacuuming



Useful links

